22 July 2005 at 14:07 posted by Bart Van Belle 4 Comments

Filip Eyckmans, formerly known as one of the guys from Musickness and the boss of En Frente Arte (the hotel and recordingstudio in Ronda where The Ideal Crash was recorded) has introduced a new sport.

It's called bossabal and you can get to know it on one of the following summerfestivals. According to Johnny (Eyckmans is the Johnny of Jack&Johnny Recordings, the 'label' on which the very first version of Zea and A Beatband's Jintro Travels The World In A Skirt were released) it's the missing link between Ronaldinho and Cirque du Soleil.

Update: The inspiration for the new sport has a dEUS-link. Filip saw a couple of capoeira-artists doing crazy stuff on a beach in Brazil when dEUS was there. Anyone got a clue which year that should have been?

4 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    I would say 1997, i've read in an article that they played as only european band on a festival in Brazil that year.

  2. do you know the exact date?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Dear friends,
    dEUS played in Brazil in april 1996 on the Abril Pro Rock festival in Recife.
    Bossaball is going to Brazil in february 2006 to Morro do Sau Paulo, an island near Salvador de Bahia.
    Check it out soon on www.bossaball.com
    flipi (johnny for the real insiders)

  4. Anonymous says:

    ye johnny,
    you can also check out some cool bossaball videos on bossaball video or, like you said, check out the main site on beach volley playa football

    ons jenny (jennifer voor de outsiders)