10 May 2007 at 11:25 posted by Bart Van Belle 3 Comments

Renaat Lambeets has done the camerawork for the new company film of Corelio (the company I work for). Lambeets has been working with dEUS a lot and also did the camerawork for Any Way The Wind Blows. The movie contains a new song by Guy Van Nueten played by Tim Vanhamel (vocals and guitar) and Alan Gevaert (bass). As soon as I get a copy of the movie, I will post it here

3 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    it's about time you fix the scrollbars in firefox... thanks

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yeah, i have the same problem.

  3. Harry J B says:

    Some of us are still waiting for this copy you promised to post here.