17 April 2008 at 18:01 posted by Jean-Yves 3 Comments

The new dEUS album reviewed on the BBC's music website (you'll need a good English dictionary for that one), KindaMuzik ("een groeialbum bij uitstek"), "pre-reviewed" (with utter disappointment) on the Volkskrant blog.

Please get in touch if you read anything about dEUS in other European media which we can't easily cover, be that in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe or anywhere else vaguely exotic.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Although the Netherlands aren't vaguely exotic : http://www.faceculture.be/artist.php?id=327&PHPSESSID=40e16be06f948d05be18d67fbdc72963
    Interview with tom on the site of Face Culture ^^

  2. Ach man, die Gijsbert Kamer...

    Niet de eerste keer dat die z'n salonfähige zelf voorbijfietst.

    Ik weet in ieder geval wat ik morgen ga doen!

  3. Jean-Yves says:

    Luisterblog: what does your comment mean in English? :)